About Mountain Crow


Once upon a time there was a Mountain Crow.  She actually lived in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and she was very happy.  She made herbal teas, tinctures, bitters and salves for her friends and family.  She would research herbs that would benefit their chakras, mesh with their horoscopes or help with a physical ailment. She hand ground and mixed incense for ceremony and to make her house smell heavenly.  She made gem essences in the full moon.  She created things with pure intentions that might bring health love and happiness into the world. Her friends thought she was on to something. Eventually she decided to share her products with the world.

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Mountain Crow is a creator of artisan teas, incense, gem essences and other folk remedies. Her teas are in three categories: chakra teas, horoscope teas and then teas for general health or for specific maladies.

Find out more at The Mountain Crow: Herbal Teas, Incense, Essences and Folk Remedies.