Denver Hosts International Tarot Convention

Tarot-Meetup-Sherry-and-JaneDenver Tarot Meetup and Tarosophy Tarot Association (Keswick, the Lake District, England) are teaming up to bring a tarot convention to Denver this year.

TarotCon Denver will be a full weekend of workshops with great presenters, drawing on talent and expertise from the international, national, regional, and local tarot community.

Your Type of People

The Denver Tarot Meetup is the second largest Tarot Meetup in the world. Denver has a very active tarot and metaphysical community! Tarot people are health conscious, holistically minded, heart-centered and spiritually evolving. They support sustainability and are open-minded and creative.

Reach Out to Them

John, Terri and Terry at Gypsy HouseThere is one thing you will see in the hand of every participant at the convention (besides a tarot deck!): the TarotCon Denver Souvenir Program.

TarotCon Denver Souvenir Program advertising is an inexpensive way to connect with conscious, holistically-minded, spiritual seekers.

Participants will rely on the program to find information about and choose the speakers they will attend each day. They will depend on it to plan their breaks and lunch. The TarotCon Denver Souvenir Program is a crucial guide that people will refer to repeatedly throughout the day—and take home afterwards as a keepsake!

Show Them what Denver Has to Offer!

With a two-hour lunch break each day and a half-hour break in between workshops, TarotCon Denver is designed to give people plenty of time to spend socializing with their new friends and exploring the city. Why not give them an incentive to visit you?

Advertising rates

Download the TarotCon Denver 2015 Advertising Rate Sheet.

See a sample full page ad.

See a sample full page ad.

See a sample page with Half Page, 1/4 Page and 1/8 page ads.

See a sample page with Half Page, 1/4 Page and 1/8 page ads.


Ad Sizes Available

3 thoughts on “Advertise

  • May 24, 2015 at 8:45 am

    I can’t wait to submit my artwork and be part of this terrific program.

    I challenge other meetup organizers to publish their meetups in our program for the TarotCon

    • June 11, 2015 at 11:00 am

      Hi Peggie! It’s good to hear from you! You can email the artwork to joy @ Thanks!



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